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Explore to Create - A talk with photographer Bennett Young

We get our inspiration from nature, traveling and other creators. In this new series Explore to Create we are interviewing different types of creators all over the world. In this episode we interviewed Bennett Young: a photographer from the United States. Bennett’s work is characterized by moments on the road and unique stays along the way. Commonly traveling through the northwoods of Wisconsin and the banks of Lake Superior, his photos strive to tell the story of adventure.

Name: Bennett Young

Profession: Photographer

Country: United States


Where did your love for photography begin?

One day in High School I began looking at National Geographic’s best photos of 2014. In that moment, I think it really dawned on me how much I love photos and the stories they tell. When I was a kid I would always flip through magazines and books looking for the photos, and not reading anything. I still do that today as an adult. I’ve always just loved looking at photos and feeling the emotion each and every one conveys, so I decided to get a camera for myself.


What is in your eyes craftsmanship?

In my eyes, craftsmanship is having a picture in your head of what you want to create, and actually delivering that exact vision in real life.

Which place in the world inspires you the most?

I can never decide. It’s always a toss up between the ocean coast and the mountains and wilderness.  To be honest, I think whatever location I’m at   inspires me the most. There’s beauty everywhere.

How do you implement your own style in everything you create?

I try to use inspirations outside of photography to incorporate my own style, whether that’s music and the guitar or building a fire  (which I love).  I always  want a photo I take to tell the viewer a little bit about who I am.


What tips or advice do you have for other aspiring photographers / creators etc.?

I firmly believe life operates on an equilibrium.  When you’re having a low point,  it just means a high point is in the works. The lower the low, the higher the high point is going to be. You can never give up, because then  you’ll never reach that high point that makes everything worth it.

Find more of Bennett Young’s work here:

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